Da Boyz Car Club

Looks like chicken? Is that in season? Ok, so now in the winter it's Da Boyz deer meat and drinking club!

Hey isn't that the table you rebuilt the gear box on the BO


Ahh Stroganoff. But notice, Deer meat and drinking. are we following the pattern here?

Again Deer meat and drinking!

Well if the camera was a few inches to the right you may not have noticed THE DRINKS!

No need for caption. You get the idea.


More dead deer and drinking (check out bar and seasonings in background).

Dead deer and drinks in hand.

Good day I would say

I'm thinking Stroganoff and bratts

Here's what Da Boyz from Michigan do when the car season is over. You see they are serious hunters. Ok so maybe there not too serious about anything. But they are serious about the after hunt. Check out the cooking devices and booze all over the place. Donughts and deer shit what a combo.

Hey Ringo, time to get the eyes checked? I may not know much about hunting but I'm sure you don't need to be that close to the scope.